My Health Journey

I have been on a journey towards health and wellness for several years now.  Whether it's been for myself or my husband or my children, I have been constantly trying different things, researching, praying and seeking the Lord for wisdom. My desire has always been to find a more natural method to help our bodies rather than chemicals and toxic products. The more I've jumped into the journey of the oily lifestyle, the more excited I've become to learn all the wonderful things that God has made in His creation that can be used for our good! This verse has been huge for me: "His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness." (2 Peter 1:3) The Lord cares about our life and our godliness! The bible says that our bodies are temples of the Lord, so it shouldn't have surprised me that He has provided so many things for our benefit in His creation! What a wonderful God He is!

As a mother, I want to do everything in my ability to care for, love on, nurture and protect my children. My heart exploded the moment I met eyes with my first child and it's only increased with every child the Lord has given to me. The sleepless nights, the diaper changes, the tears, the heartaches, the messes, the wild… It is all beyond worth it because the joys and blessings and beauty that come with this journey of motherhood cannot be contained. I can get major anxiety when my kids are sick or having a difficult time so having something to give comfort or support to their little bodies, along with the snuggles and kisses and lullabies has been a blessing. It comforts my heart knowing that I can give goodness to them at any moment. That's what oils have been for me as a mama. Sweet drops of goodness, like a warm cookie but without the sugar! Ha! Oils aren't a magic potion or a bottle of Jesus that heals everything. You still need to seek the Creator for that! But they are a treasure to use as a mama. 
I can clean our home without using chemicals and harmful toxins. I don't have to worry about my little ones getting into the cleaning cupboards and grabbing something dangerous (anybody else have kids that put their mouths on everything?! ). I can purify the air while also supporting their little bodies towards better health. There are so many benefits to oils and Young Living is the best in the world. Their Seed to Seal promise is unmatched. 
I researched, prayed, soaked up as much information as I could (and still am!) and I am in awe of the Lord's goodness and care for us in that He has created such amazing things for our bodies in nature. Incredible. Our family has been so blessed as we have taken this step towards an oily life. So good. 
I also love the team that I have! If you decide to join with me, you get to be a part of a growing community of amazing women encouraging each other. You get resources, boot camps, encouragement, so much support, private Facebook groups, videos, answers to questions and so much more! Women empowering women is a beautiful thing! 

Questions? Email me!


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