The Lord is good!

Hey everyone! I haven't given an update in awhile so I thought I would share a bit today...  Life has been busy but really wonderful as well! God has been truly blessing our little growing family and we can't help but to know that it's only by God's grace and love for us that we are receiving any of it, and not from our own doing.

This past week, Tony took a group of youth up to a camp about an hour away to work with disabled kids and their families. The group "Joni and Friends" (Joni Eareckson Tada) put it on. Even though 4 of our high schoolers became sick (3 were sent home), the Lord moved in ways that I believe will stick forever with both the high schoolers as well as the families involved that week. Tony was overwhelmed by all that the Lord did that week and kept telling me praise after praise of all that was happening there. Watching the H.S. youth in a place of service, rather then in a place of receiving service, was amazing for him to see as well! We have some amazing H.S. youth that poured out everything they had to serve the Lord and serve others! God is good!
During that week, I was home with the girls and missing my man everyday! I'm very much in love with my Hubby and miss him like crazy when he's away! He's my best friend and the greatest guy I know! I tried to do something fun with the girls each day so that they wouldn't be too sad without their Daddy around (and so I wouldn't be so sad either).  Normally when he is gone for a weekend retreat, the girls cry every night and ask for him constantly.  I was worried how a whole week with him gone would impact the girls so I said a lot of prayers! God was so kind and gracious that week, and the girls were amazing! They prayed all the time for their Daddy but they didn't fall apart like normal! Thank You, Jesus!! We swam, did our nails, went shopping, watched movies, cooked, played at Focus on the Family with friends, had late night story times in Mama's bed, and snuggled the days away! It was a sweet time. My little "in utero-man" was kickin' away even more than normal that week too! He was the only man in the house so he was doing his best to protect his Mama! :0)

This week starts VBS, next week is my baby shower, then one of our college girls from CA is coming for a visit, the girls are in a wedding after that, Moriyah will be turning 6!!!!!, and then soon after that we will be heading to CA for Tony to marry a sweet couple out there! Whew!!! Life is full but so sweet too!

Something that has been sticking out to me so much recently is God's beautiful, wonderful, and amazing GRACE! Whether I look at my marriage, my children, my church, or my life in general, I can't help but to be overwhelmed by His goodness, mercy, kindness, and the absolute blessings that He has given to me. I don't deserve it, I haven't done anything by my own abilities to earn it, and I can't believe that He loves me enough to give me any of it... BUT, I am forever thankful for His hand in my life!

"The Lord is good and His mercies endure forever!"


  1. You are so lovely, sister!
    It's taken me a while, but finally reading this and getting to catch up on your life is so nice!
    You are so so very missed over here!
    Please give my love to your sweet little family and squeezes to those, most perfect, girls.
    love love love,

  2. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him for he dwells with you and will be in you. Jn 14: 16-17

    You never have to be alone Abs, but I'm sure you already knew that !


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