bye bye BINKIE!!!!

Yep... NO MORE BINKIE!!!! It's a Christmas miracle! ;0)
I told her awhile ago that if she bits her binkie again, it's bye bye binkie... and she bit it again as you can see!
All my babies have been/are binkie babies... partly for them and partly for me... it is the best little "Mute Button" and helps them sleep which helps me sleep! Win win!
She's doing amazing without it too! It's almost as if she never had one... no tears in the night, no asking for it, nothing! Super blessing! And to celebrate we bought princess big girl chonies!! Now the real fun begins!
I was hoping to have her potty trained before the little man arrived but with all the crazy sickness I am still trying to figure out, it just never happened...
BUT I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and seem to be getting better which means I can actually get stuff done! Thank You, Jesus!

Wish me luck! :0)


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