Goodbye House!

Hey all! We are packing up shop and heading back home to the promised land of California!!! I've been waiting for this day since the day we drove away from CA almost exactly 2 years ago. I cried most of the way to Colorado. I was pregnant and super sick (and crazy homesick too).

These two years have been some of the heaviest years we've walked through. Spiritually, emotionally, physically, in our marriage and in our home. God has shown us some fierce love to get us through it all. I am more than ready to be HOME!

We bought a house in March of 2012 out here.  It's a tiny little nook on this side of the world, but it has been such a sweet blessing to our family, a total answer to prayer, and a true gift to our family. We have loved this little home for the last 11 months. We put the house up for sale the week of Thanksgiving and all through the holidays there was little activity. After the New Year, things picked up and we should be closing at the end of the month! It's bittersweet to leave this little haven for us but California has been calling my name! :0)

I wanted to post some pictures for you friends and family that didn't get a chance to take a peek before we leave. These are pictures from before it went on the market so it still had our family pictures and what not. We had to pack up lots and lots to get it staged and ready to show so it looks different right now... well actually right now it looks crazy with boxes everywhere but you get the idea.

Anyways, hope you have fun seeing what's been our home the past year!

Kitchen/Dining Room:

Living Room:

Family Room:

Master Bedroom:

Mo and Scarlie's Room:

Uly's Room:

Backyard View of Pike's Peak:

And that's that! Teeny tiny and sweet as can be!

See all you Californians soon!! Woot Woot!!

lovelove, abs


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