July 4th in Pictures

This 4th of July was a HOT one. It was 110 degrees. Yowza! Being 32 weeks preggers doesn't help either. It's been in the triple digits here and today it was 91 degrees when I went grocery shopping and it felt AH-MAY-ZING like it was Spring again. Haha! That's pretty bad when the 90's feel delightfully cool. Ah well. I still love my California to bits and pieces. 

We went to this great little splash pad and had a BBQ with the family. We were all a hot mess but it was still so great to spend the day with family. We love our Cordova crew!

Here are some of the pictures of the day!

Uncle Dunkle and Auntie Erin brought bubbles for the kiddos. They were so excited!

This boy of mine LOVES to eat. Nom Nom Nom.


 Our nephew, Judah, is so crazy cute. I love his face. My kids ADORE him.

Cordova crew doing what we do best! Nom Nom Nom.

My Scarlett Hopey-dope looking cute as can be! CHEEEEESE!

More of Uly eating.

Ok... so Uly LOVES his cousin Judah so much. He says his name all day long. Sweetest thing. We sat them together and they had the cutest little chat. Uly had to show Judah his blankie, his ouchie, his bottle and whatever else came to his mind. Judah was baby talking back. Just cuteness all the way around.

Here's a group shot of all the Cordova babies so far. Best little faces. In just a little bit, we'll be adding another awesome face to the mix! Cannot wait!!

A few more of the boy-bonding time.

Love the Judah-man's face here! haha!

Uncle Dunkle, Auntie Erin and the Judah.

The Cordova boys (except for the boy in my tum-tum!).  Uncle Joe got to try and tame our Uly boy in these pictures because my Hubby hurt his back the day before and could barely stand. Poor Hubs.

The Cordova girls! Standing next to my teeny-tiny sister-in-law while I'm this pregnant makes me look like a beast! Oh well. The camera adds 10 pounds and there were like 3 cameras taking pictures so.... hehe

And here's my growing crew. Can you tell we like babies?!

Hope you all had a great 4th of July!

lovelove, Abs


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