Ulysses Turns Two!!

My sweet baby boy, who officially stole my heart in a way I never expected, has turned 2!!!! 
He is such an awesome kiddo. Strangers are always stopping us in stores or parks or other places and ask a lot of questions about him or they just comment on what a rad dude or wild man that he is. It's pretty funny. 
He's a beast of a little man.
He is solid as a rock.
{We joke that Thor is his real Dad because of how huge this kid is! haha!}
He is such a sweet hearted little boy and gives the best of snuggles, kisses, and love.
He gets his sassy on, but then always says he's sorry. Awwww...
He L O V E S milk.
He has to take his gee-gee (blanket) everywhere.
He Loves playing outside and getting good and dirty.
He's a lover and a fighter.
He is seriously THEE cutest little jumper I've ever seen! Seriously.
He adores his Daddy.
He's a mama's boy ( and he'll stay that way! ;0)
He loves his sisters so much.
He is super protective of his baby brother. 
He is the cutest little awkward dancer ever :0)
He was my hardest pregnancy but worth every bit of it.
He has brought a whole new level of love into my heart that I never even saw coming... God knew I would need this little ponchinello in my life and God gives the best of gifts.

I could go on and on and on... 

We are SO in love with this little dude of baby-dudes. Year two is one of my all time favorites of the little years and I am so excited to start this new adventure of watching him dominate it!

I had so much fun having just some Mommy and Uly time taking his pictures. He kept saying, "C'mon Mom!" as he walked and ran around. He melts my heart. Aaaaand he kinda looks like a little male stripper with his bow tie and bare belly but what evs.  Just call him "Magic Uly". {I kid, I kid.}

Happy Birthday, to my amazing Ulysses David!!!



  1. Is he September 19?! I am September 20. Next year we should def do our birthdays together :) :) :) as I see, the dress code was fancy bow tie, i ll try to keep up !! ;) thank you for this amazing blog, really, c'est magique.

    1. He is on the 19th! Sounds fun! Thank you for the love! :0)


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