Max is 10 months!

My Maximus is officially in the double digits of month-to-month counting!
He has become more and more adorable with each passing day! 
I can't even handle his cuteness!
He belly laughs all the time and shows off his massive smile whenever we make silly sounds.
He claps, stands solo with an occasional bounce (Eeeeeep!). 
He says, "Dadadada" which of course he really means to say "Momma". (wink wink)
And sometimes he says, "Lalala" which also means "Momma". So yeah, he's saying "Momma" now! Ok, just kidding. It'll come though! 
He loves his baby puff snacks but is still not too big on other foods yet. 
He is a Momma's boy all the way, which I LOVE! 
He snuggles like a baby koala bear! (Swoon)
And his two bottom teeth (finally) broke through! Praise Jesus! 

Happy 10 months, my little mini-man-cakes!
And Happy Birthday, America!

Big brother had to get in the pictures too!



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