Maximus Turns ONE!

Our perfect little wild thing, Maximus Caius, turned ONE yesterday!
Oh my, how this year has flown by.
Tears, people, lots of tears.
How can it be?!
I love every stage of my children's lives but seriously, nothing quite like a new baby.
And yesterday didn't go as planned with some heavy news, one kid throwing up and some other issues that were thrown in the mix that made it a difficult day to say the least... BUT, regardless of all that craziness, it was still a day to celebrate our boy.
So I took my biggest and littlest off to take pictures of him on his birthday. He's become so fast with this whole big-boy-walking-thing that it made it difficult to get a non-blurry picture of him from the front. He's a fast one! But I caught a few. And can I just say, holy beans, this kids is too cute for words! Eeeeep! I love him so much!
He has been that light in the darkness and has brought so much joy into our family.
He truly is such a gift and adored by us all.
His face, his lips, his HUGE smile, his snuggles, his belly giggles, his whole self is pure perfection and we are so thankful that he's ours!

Happy Happy Birthday, Sweet Maximus!!



  1. his eyes. his hair. his smile. such a dream baby! so sorry to hear about your heavy news, mama...praying for you and celebrating one year of your sweet boys life!! xo.


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