the most important work

"christian woman who seek to honor God as they work through the mundane, repetitive tasks that are given to them will be used for bigger things. we will not be mothers of little children forever. Lord willing, our work will grow with our children. our challenges will change. be a faithful student. God is not training you for no reason. practice. practice. practice. but practice with thanksgiving. practice with joy. practice with gratitude. practice with hope." -rachel jankovic

 I've had a stirring in my heart to do something. Not totally sure what that something is but also knowing that my highest calling right now and what is most important and of greatest value is sitting right in front of me calling me momma.... "we will not be mothers of little children forever." 

"children are not a distraction from more important work. they are the most important work." -c.s. lewis 

I've heard it said so much, "the days are long but the years are short".
As Mommas, we are doing the most important work in raising little humans. Someday, I know my heart will ache not having little feet running through my home, so for now, I want to enjoy it all while I can and savor these little moments. Motherhood is harder than I expected and better than I could have dreamed. The yucky mixed with the spectacular. It's changed my life to the very core of my being forever. 


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