Easter 2016

Easter this year was so sweet. Our church was overflowing with so many people and we saw many give their lives to Jesus which was so beautiful to see. True miracles. My heart wants to burst when I see someone's heart soften and they stop running from the Lord and start running to the Lord.  What a blessing!
After church we grabbed some coffees at Peet's and shopped at Whole Foods before heading over to spend time with more of the Cordova crew. Our family keeps expanding with each new life born into it and I couldn't be happier about it! Our baby niece was born on leap day of this year (we only have two nieces and they are both leap year babes!) and she is pure heaven! Nothing is more delightful than snuggling a newborn! It's a bit surreal seeing a newborn Cordova girl  that isn't mine though! The last Cordova girl was my Scarlett, then four boys (in four years) came through and now this sweet slice of heaven was born and she was dressed in her Easter best! The baby bug is creeping up in me for sure, and my kiddos are always asking for me to have another. Geez. We'll see. No plans right now but you better believe that I'll be snuggle buddies with my niece anytime she's near!
We ate yummy food and our kids were all spoiled with Easter goodies by their Uncle Vic and his lady. We sat around the living room and sang worship with all the babies and it was just a wonderful day all around. 
I hope you all had a blessed Easter celebrating our risen Lord! 

They look super bored here. haha!

A sweet lady from church snapped this one for us. Still at least half the crew looking bored. haha

Bow ties give me all the heart eyes!

This is his new smile whenever I ask to take his picture! Squinty cuteness!

Max has a serious case of the grumps most of the time and Uly-boy is our goofy guy so he was pretending to be grumpy with his brother. So cute!

I love this picture! 

My girls! Poor Scarlett has really bad Springtime allergies that make her eyes swell shut, but she was such a trooper and had a great attitude through it all. Thank the Lord for eyedrops and Benadryl! 

These are blurry but still sweet. He was being grumpy again so mama had to tickle his tummy!

So.Much.Hair. She is blessed with loads of it!

All the Cordova kids!

Grandpa with his S E V E N grandbabies!



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