Our Sweet Sixteen

We just celebrated 16 years since we first started dating! Holy shmoly! Our very first official date was up on this hill that overlooked the city. We drove off the road a bit in his white jeep and spent the evening watching the sunset that soon turned into the city lighting up so beautifully. We talked for hours and hours about everything. I had know him since I was 12 years old but we hadn't talked to each other for years. I was a month away from turning 18 and I had all the googly eyes in the world for this guy sitting next to me. I was a smitten kitten that night. My favorite thing about him back then, besides his dashing good looks, was his genuine love for Jesus and for God's Word. And now, sixteen years later, that is still my favorite thing about him (besides his dashing good looks ;0). 
So to remember our first date, we drove out to the very same spot, this time with all our four children, and watched the sunset all together and took pictures and reminisced of that sweet sweet day that changed the course of our lives forever. 
Who you choose to marry is the biggest decision of your life, outside of choosing to follow Jesus. You are choosing who you're going to walk through the hardest and best things that you'll ever face in life with and it's so important that you choose someone who will lock arms with you and fight through the crazy with instead of fight each other in the crazy and make it worse. We've done both. We've fought for each other and we've fought against each other and, stating the obvious here, fighting for each other is so much better. Duh, right?! But it's surprising how quickly we can forget that. 
I don't know where I'd be without Jesus and without my husband. They both have walked with me and never given up on me in all my crazy-daisy moments. The choice to marry and join forces with a Jesus-loving and God-fearing man was one of the best things I've ever done in my life. I praise the Lord for His constant grace and leading in my life and for bringing my husband into my path. 
Happy sweet sixteen, Hoss! I lovers you! 



  1. Happy 16 (dating anniversary!) I love you and can't imagine my life with out you!


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