...the lifter of my head...

My heart was stirring for years... things that I knew the Lord gave me desires for and yet I couldn't see how in the world they would come to pass. Dreams that only my journal saw but that are now real life. 
I started all this with nothing. I was off social media, I had no friend circle to run to, I had just come out of the hardest season that we had ever walked through as a family, and yet I knew, without any doubts, that THIS was what the Lord was calling me to. Confirmation after confirmation. So much prayer and scripture and journaling and stirring in my heart led me here. When I first started I would clean out nasty molded trailers with my husband to pay for my oils because I saw the end game of this being, not only an investment in our future health but also in our future everything. I saw what the opportunity was, sitting in front of me. I had to get over my fears and unknowns and just go for it. Not the, "I'll try" or "I'll do my best" but "I'll do whatever it takes" because I saw it! I knew this was what I was supposed to do. And man, God has blown my mind. 
There's power in a calling. There's power in a team. There's power in women coming together to support each other, cheer each other on, pray for each other, encourage each other, believe in each other. 
This journey is life changing. It doesn't just happen though. You have to work for it. But the rewards are far beyond what anything else I've ever experienced can accomplish. The work that the Lord has done in my heart, in my team's hearts, it's unmatched by anything I've ever seen. The Lord is at work in all of this, I know for certain. I'm truly grateful to be part of all this beauty and favor. 

If your heart is stirring in this, run in faith towards it. Don't wait and allow fears and worries to creep in. Remember that quote I shared the other day?... "It's not about who you've been in the past, because every single attack on your life up until now, it's about who you might be in the future...The enemy is always attacking who you might be. He really doesn't care about who you've been. So you need to get that mindset, that if you have gone through Hell, that there is something inside of you that he's afraid of." (Lisa Bevere) We had walked through our own hell, but God, in His great grace, walked us out and has showered us with blessing upon blessing. Trust His calling. Trust His voice. And run with obedience, believing that NOTHING is impossible with Jesus! His blessing and favor never runs out... never. 
Years of walking in insecurity, shame, fears and brokenness with my head down, Jesus became the lifter of my head. 
"But you, O LORD, are a shield around me; you are my glory, 
the one who holds my head high." 
Psalm 3:3

These photos are like postcards of the day that seemed impossible to me... But with God all things are possible. My hubby bought me flowers and told me to hop in the car so he could take pictures to remember the day....

 I wrote this the day after...
So yesterday.... I don't fully have words to describe it all yet and I don't know that I never will. But this I know for sure... that if the Lord is fighting for you, you have nothing to fear. If the Lord is leading you, nothing is impossible. If the Lord is calling you, run after whatever He tells you to do. Trust Him. Believe in His Word. Speak out His promises. Don't miss the blessings that He wants to shower over you because of your own fear of the unknown... because HE knows what's ahead and that's really all that matters. He came to give us life abundantly and I'm seeing that with my own eyes. I say all the time that I'm a recovering pessimist because honestly, those pessimistic thoughts were just my fears running wild on my future and I'm choosing to step into obedience and to stop allowing my negative thinking to have any more control over my life. We are called to rejoice always, not assume the worst. So I'm choosing to honor the Lord and rejoice. To look with expectancy at the future. At church yesterday morning I sang those beautiful words that speak of the Lord being a good good Father and that I am loved by Him. I know those words to be true. He has radically changed my life. He's made beauty from ashes. He's brought freedom to bondage. He's brought hope when I had lost it. He's redeeming and restoring and overflowing our cup with blessings that I never knew could be mine. "So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free." {John 8:36} 
And this blessing that I speak of, this freedom that I see is not just for me. It's for all His children. I'm watching it pour out over my best friends and their families. I'm seeing women fight for freedom and run towards it. I'm seeing the hand of God actively at work in the lives of those around me. God is a BIG GOD and is fully ABLE to bless all His children. He doesn't play favorites. He freely gives to all those that have put their faith, hope and trust in Him. 

"I would have lost heart, unless I had believed

That I would see the goodness of the Lord
In the land of the living.

Wait on the Lord;

Be of good courage,
And He shall strengthen your heart;
Wait, I say, on the Lord!"

{Psalm 27:13-14}

If you want to join me in this beautiful adventure, click here for more details!


  1. I love your posts, but mostly your encouragement. I am sitting here tearing up because this: "I would have lost heart, unless I had believed" I have just come out of a season of anger and disappointment and guilt over being angry and disappointed!! What a mess. Praying daily for God to light my path and use me the way He wants to. I am trying to have faith that His plan for me will also bring me joy. Thank you for being so transparent, Abigail. God is using you for wonderful things.

    1. Oh friend!! Thank you so much for sharing! It means so much! I know how that is... I've hit so many lows but looking back I can see that it was truly the Lord's kindness in my life to allow me to walk through it all because it brought me to a place with Jesus that only the valleys in life can bring you. Nothing is wasted in your journey. Seek the face of Jesus everyday. Get on your knees. There is power on your knees. And seek to see the beauty in what the Lord HAS done. He blesses gratitude.

  2. This brought tears to my eyes! Beautiful, Abigail! And such an encouragement! I am brand spanking new in my oil journey, but I have such big dreams. I dream of a house full of children that have been adopted, fostered, and born naturally to my husband and I and I know that that (sadly) requires money. I have never shared this with anyone for fear of being looked at as a silly dreamer, but I dream of making money with YL (as well as improving my family's wellness!) so I can get all of my babies home sooner! It shreds my mama heart to think of my children being neglected, abused, unloved, or simply not in my arms every day and *that* is my driving force behind YL. So I'm going to "do whatever it takes" just like you said <3

    1. Beautiful! Keep dreaming!!! The Lord put those dreams on your heart for a reason! Trust His calling, no matter what anyone else says. Just thing if Noah had listened to those around him, he would have died with his whole family because of the fear of man. "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." (Proverbs 3:5-6)
      Pray everyday. Stay consistent no matter what. Don't be discouraged by the "no's" but keep moving forward to the "yes's". ANYONE can do this! All things are possible with Jesus.
      Hugs to you, sweet friend!! Thank you so much for sharing your dreams with me!!!! Seriously, I'm so blessed to hear your heart!!


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