15 years

15 years ago I said I'd love you forever. If I could have been given a glimpse into our future and could have seen the children we would be given, their faces, their hearts, their voices, the way they love Jesus, the way they sing in the car or dance in the living room.... the way they laugh at our goofy parent jokes or the way their breath would feel on my face as they wrap their little hands around my cheeks and tell me they love me.... if I could have seen the man that you would become, the father that you would be to our children, the friend that you would be through the hardest times and the best times... if I could have seen the beauty from ashes that the Lord was going to do in our lives... I wouldn't have know how to contain myself on that day we said "I do" all those years ago. I was meant to love you. And I'd marry you a million times over again. You are my truest friend and the man that has held my heart since I was 12. 
I love you forever ❤️ Happy fifteen, baby! 

From Tony:
"15 years into this marriage and the thing I've noticed the most about you is that not only has the joy of the Lord truly become your strength but the strength of the Lord has come to hold your joy in place like an anchor in a storm. I’ve loved seeing your joy spill over into the lives of our children and change the atmosphere in our home. In sleeplessness, through loss, in sickness, in the middle of the night, in the early morning when no one else is awake, in the mini van rocking out to worship, on Sunday mornings, as you grow a business, as you share Jesus with others, as you make gluten free breakfasts, as you teach our children throughout the day, as we pray together, with your bible in hand and the praise of Jesus on your lips... our marriage has become a joyous affair not because any of it is perfect but because you pursue God with every part of your life. I’ve watched you fight for this against all odds! Happy 15 years!"

15 years later and look at all these beautiful faces we've been given!
 Thank You, Jesus!!


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