The Nutcracker

Several years ago at Christmas time, my oldest daughter saw an advertisement for The Nutcracker by our house and every day that we drove passed it she asked to go. At that time in our lives we couldn’t afford it and every year since then we haven’t been able to. Christmas has been tight for our family for years. I remember that same year we couldn’t even afford a Christmas tree (which is one of my very favorite things) and on Christmas Eve my husband was able to get a free tree from the grocery store by our house because they couldn’t sell anymore. It made me cry out of joy and gratitude while also feeling so humbled by the reality of our family’s finances. It was such a little thing but such a big thing. The Nutcracker has been one of those little/big things for me to do with my daughters and last night we finally were able to go. The lights lowered and the orchestra started playing and this mama started to cry again out of so much gratitude for all that the Lord has provided for my family. Getting dressed up and going with my beautiful daughters to something that has been on our list for years was a dream come true and a memory that we get to have forever of the first time we went to see The Nutcracker together. Sometimes the little things are the things that last a lifetime in our hearts. #dreamsdocometrue


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