"If you can minister at home..."

My husband sent me this quote just now from a sermon he’s listening to: 
“If you can minister at home, you can learn to minister out of obedience instead of for applause”

Motherhood and my home is the first ministry God has called me to do. I have so many desire and dreams and things that stir my heart till it wants to explode but the first and most important ministry is my home and recognizing that that is one of the greatest callings of my life. Being THEIR mama. 

Mamas are in the trenches of some of the most unlikely holy ground as they snuggle their babes, change their diapers, stand between the sibling arguments, care for the sniffling noses, make the lunches, bathe the booties and pray them to sleep. Your reward is not in applause or lights but in children that “rise up and call you blessed”. Your reward is in children that show love and compassion to this world. Your reward is in hugs and kisses and songs from little humans made specially for you, in pictures hand painted on your walls, in being the one human that little hearts need in their moments of sadness. Your reward as a mama far outweighs anything this world has to offer because your words pierce through what is seen to what is unseen. It goes beyond this world and reaches into the eternal. 
“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” 3 John 1:4


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