Moriyah’s 17th birthday!

(from her birthday post on July 23rd)

 17 years ago this beautiful girl changed my life forever. I remember seeing her face for the first time as the doctor handed me this tiny 6lb 6oz baby girl… I was amazed and said, “This is really her?! She’s so beautiful!” 😭❤️ 

I knew all her kicks and movements and felt every hiccup and flip she made. I knew she loved music because she would kick to the beat against my belly and it always made me giggle just imagining who this little girl was. I dreamed of her and prayed over her and sang to her and literally could not wait to meet her… but that moment I saw her face at 6:52pm, seventeen years ago, I was in love in a way I never knew was possible. 

Our beautiful Moriyah Shalom rocked our world in the best ways, grew our hearts bigger than when the grinch’s heart grew and taught us more about God’s love for us as a Father than anything else ever had. 

She is wise and compassionate and gentle and strong. She has the biggest heart for God and His Word. She overflows creativity, she’s brilliant and she has so many exciting things she’s wanting to pursue with her life from missions to adoption to writing books and traveling the world. 

We love you to the moon and back, sissy! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Being your mama is one of the greatest gifts of my whole life.


Her birthday was so beautiful and so special getting to celebrate with all her favorite things… 

Flowers, books, lace, vintage things, tea cups, cake and cozy comforts. We had her Grammies (my mom) and her Grandpa (Tony’s dad) over for dinner in the evening. It was a sweet day all about her. 

Here’s a little peek:

For the last six birthdays, her tradition is having a gluten free cake with lemon vitality added to the batter! It’s delicious! We highly recommend trying it!! 💛


  1. I love this!!! 💛
    Thank you mama!
    I love you SO much! To the moon and back! 🌙💕


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