“Fear not, for I AM your God”


“Fear not, for I AM with you; be not dismayed, for I AM your God.” 

-Isaiah 41:10

“for I AM your God”

I needed those words this morning. Actually the last month I’ve needed them. 

Those words are such a beautiful reminder. It’s similar to when we hear our children hurting or needing comfort and we quickly swoop them up, hold them close and remind them, “it’s ok… mama’s here.”

Or when we feel anxious or worried and our man tells us, “I’m your man. Don’t worry. I’ve got this.”

There’s comfort in words like that. It’s a powerful reminder to us or to our children that there’s someone else in the room, in the situation, that sees it all and is gonna do something to help.

I’m in a waiting season right now for something that, if I let my mind wander, fills me with anxiety. BUT GOD. Over and over I’m reminded that nothing is hard or impossible for Him. Nothing. 

And having to sit and wait for answers right now isn’t without purpose either. Waiting seasons tend to reveal idols and false gods in our lives. It shows us who or what is on the throne of our hearts. Comfort, control, security, finances, position or titles, safety, among other things can sneak into a place of worship  for us without us realizing it until life starts to shake us  and it all rises to the surface. 

I want to have unshakable trust and faith and PEACE no matter what comes.That’s my goal. To sacrificially seek Jesus, no matter the circumstances, to know Him and hear His voice. 

Never in my life has God left me. Even in the deepest darkest places, I can look back and find Him there with me. 

So this morning, this verse was that beautiful reminder to my heart, that as I’m fighting against fear, He’s with me telling me not to fear because He’s my God. That’s peace. 

If you’re in a waiting season, allow the Lord to refine you in it as He ministers to you. Actively pursue Him by pushing away idols and distractions and sneak away in little moments of your day to just be with Him. His peace and presence is worth everything.


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