More than anything else in this life, what I want most and what I will forever give my life to is for each of my children to know personally Jesus. It’s not enough for them to know of Him or know Him as the Lord of their mama’s life or dad’s life. My lifelong mission is for them to deeply know the goodness and love and closeness of a personal relationship with Him on their own. 

I believe every soul, past, present and future will stand before God and it won’t matter what was going on in their lives or what their mama’s faith was. It only matters was we as individuals believe and what we did with that belief here on earth. 

So for all the days of my life, my greatest pursuit will always be to teach my children the truth in the Bible, to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior and to actively pray on my knees for them and their futures. 

My other prayer is for the Lord to extend the years of my life and my husband’s life as long as possible so that we can actively be part of not only our children’s lives but our grandchildren and great grandchildren. 

I’m ALL IN in this motherhood gig. I take this calling very seriously. I want to be active, intentional, prayerful and ask daily for the Holy Spirit to give me wisdom and discernment and strength to raise this generation and generations to come to know Jesus and to make Him known. 🕊✨


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