Christmas 2023


This Christmas season has been so painful for our family. And yet we’ve seen the hand of God in so many ways, giving us gifts and being so near in the biggest heartbreak we’ve ever faced as a family. 

This was our first Christmas with Oceana and our first Christmas without Grandpa. Blessings and heartbreak hand in hand. 

We took these pictures the day before he died when life felt normal. When Oceana was born, we felt like our family was officially complete having all six of our babies here. But now it feels incomplete without grandpa here. He brought so much love and joy and kindness into our family and I still can’t believe he’s gone. There’s so many raw emotions at the surface of everything right now… gratitude for the years we had him, heartbreak, anger that he’s no longer here, joy in our memories, overwhelming sadness, moments of panic that sweep over my breath and then radical peace that calms everything unexpectedly. It’s like waves crashing and mixing every emotion altogether. 

Something we keep saying to each other is how grateful we are to have our little miss Oceana Grace here in this moment of our family. God knew that the loss of grandpa would rock us to the core and so He gave us this precious little gift, our very own ocean of grace, who has brought so much joy in the midst of grief with her huge smiles, baby noises, extra chubby cheeks and even a matching grandpa dimple that reminds us of him every time she smiles. We are so grateful grandpa met her before he passed. Another gift. 

Christmas wasn’t the same this year. But it has also reminded us of what is most important in our lives and put a greater urgency in our hearts to live with eternity in mind. 

I love this quote from Francis Chan:

People accuse me of going overboard in preparing for my first ten million years in eternity. In my opinion, people go overboard in worrying about their last ten years on earth.”

Hold your people close. Forgive quickly. Offer more grace than seems necessary. Love big. Live boldly for Jesus. And take lots of pictures of the moments you’re in because they will be treasures in the years to come. ðŸ–¤

Merry (after) Christmas and Happy New Year! 


the cordova crew


Here’s a precious memory that our oldest shared of her favorite Christmas memory with her grandpa. They were two peas in a pod since the day she was born.

Here’s another post she wrote in memory of him:


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