A Handmade Christmas

Merry Christmas Eve everyone!! Our house is full of excitement with lots of holiday cheer as I'm sure your home is too! This is my favorite time of year. The lights, music, movies, smells, sparkles... everything is so festive.

This year we are doing things a bit different as far as gifts go. We are going small, partly because we have to but also partly because we want to. The beauty and real meaning of Christmas can easily get lost in the stress of shopping and the over abundance of gifts that lose their excitement in 15 minutes. So this year, we got each of the kids one gift from the store (plus they got to wake up to a cozy new blanket on their beds this morning) and the rest are handmade gifts. They were SO excited  getting to pick out the yarn for their scarves and the cloth for their lovies. The girls even got to explain to me how they wanted me to make their lovies which they really got into. They are my favorite kids in the whole wide world. They haven't seen the finished products yet but they are pretty pumped! Here's a little preview!

This sleepy monster is our favorite! He's super soft and snuggly!

Moriyah has been making me some secret presents too! She told her Daddy, "Mom makes things for everyone but no one makes things for her!"  How sweet is she?! So she's a busy little elf right now.

After the Christmas Eve service tonight, we are doing our annual "Shepherd's Hunt" to find baby Jesus. The kids really get into this. So much fun to watch. And then tomorrow is Christmas!! Yay!

I hope you all have a very blessed and happy Christmas!!
Much love from our home to yours!
lovelove, abs


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