Christmas Recap in Pictures

Christmas was such a blessed day this year. I asked Tony last month if this year we could just be a family and stay home this year. Every Christmas morning, our tradition has been to spend the morning with just our little family and then usually we spend the evening with family or friends. This year though, I just wanted it to be us. We spent Christmas Eve with Tony's Mom, had dinner, opened presents and then we went to a candlelit service that evening. When we came home, we watched "The Christmas Story"  (which I grew up watching most Christmas Eves) and then we did our annual "Shepherds Hunt" for Baby Jesus... and we found Him! :0)
The next morning, my sweet sweet family let this Momma sleep in while they made G-Free waffles and coffee. We took our time getting ready and then we read the Christmas story before opening gifts. It was a White Christmas this year which was a first for my kids. We watched Christmas movies and snuggled all day long. It was one of my favorites so far! We ended the day watching "The Nativity Story". It was such a great way to end the Christmas season with that reminder of the miracle of Christ coming in human form to rescue His people. Here are some of the pictures from the day:


  1. Abbi, it looked like a day of precious moments!



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