Pregnant Pictures Thus Far

I know you all are dying to see pregnant pictures, right?! I knew it. Sing it with me, "My bump, my bump, my lovely baby bump!" {hehe} 
When I'm pregnant, and even when I'm not pregnant, I love looking at pregnancy pictures. I haven't taken too many in my past 3 pregnancies because I felt like such a beached whale, BUT I always regret it after the baby comes. When I was younger I loved finding any pictures of my mom pregnant (and there were very few to find). So this time around I'm trying to document this one a little better. The 4th times the charm! 
If you follow my Instagram than you'll see more day-to-day preggie shots but these are from my big girl camera.

Warning: I've known people who get freaked out looking at pregnant bellies so if it ain't ya thang then don't finish looking! Ha! Otherwise, here are some preggie moments thus far......

17 Weeks Pregnant:

25 Weeks Pregnant:

30 Weeks Pregnant:

31 Weeks Pregnant:

These pictures we took today on Sunday-Funday...

.... don't forget to have a little dance break now and then!...

My kiddos love looking back at my pictures of when I was pregnant with them. It's a special time to look back on and even though you can feel like a moose, ya gotta own it and work it, Mama. Life isn't a choice, it's a gift from the Lord {whether you expected it or not} and this is a special time to someday show your baby later in life the season when you started to fall in love with them before you ever saw their face. 
Pregnancy is such a miracle so enjoy the ride! And don't forget to take your own pictures even if ya don't feel like it! You're large and in charge! 

lovelove, Abs


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