Back to School & Monday Memory Verse

So today, we started back into school.  I'm homeschooling again, which is still funny to me because it was never something I was going to do, and yet, since Moriyah began Kindergarten, I have only done homeschooling. That was very clear and has kinda been our only option for many reasons each year. It's just the way that God had it all planned out.

I still feel like such a rookie BUT I am so very thankful to be back in CA because of all the support they offer to homeschooling parents. CO was more hands-off, which is great if you have the right personality... I did not have that personality though. I love structure and someone helping me along the way. I don't wanna get this education stuff wrong so the added help is such a huge blessing. 

Moriyah loves homeschooling and says she has "Thee best teacher in the world"... I love that kid.  She's a sweetheart. And I LOVE having her home. I'm a BIG fan of my kids, even on the crazy days, and I like when they are all around me all the time.  If I'm ever away from them, even for a quick trip to the store, I just miss the snot outta them. Aaaaaaand that's why I'm on baby #4! (and I still want another! eeekkk!)

So today, my sweet Moriyah started her first day of 3rd grade!  She's been counting down the days and could hardly sleep because she has been SO excited. We had some of her books delivered last week and she asked everyday if she could start early. She's cute like that.

We started the day slowly cuz this Mama is very pregnant and very tired. We always start the morning with Bible time (I use The Jesus Storybook Bible since all the kids participate in our Morning Time routine), prayer and a weekly memory verse.  I'll post the verses on Monday here just in case any of you wanna join in with your little ones. Whether they get it down perfect or not doesn't matter as much as just getting them familiar with God's Word and planting those seeds in their little hearts. Plus, this Mama memorizes with them which is good for my soul as well. I need it.

The rest of the day wasn't so easy though. Having one that I'm teaching while two others are running mad through the house and this Mama just about to pop with a baby is a rough start to the beginning of a school year. I would be sitting with Mo going over math or reading while Scarlett would be "swimming" on the kitchen floor as a mermaid and squealing at her brother (the merman) for not doing what she wanted. Or Scarlett would be trying to put something away while Uly would be trying to take the same thing out, which caused more squeals. Or Uly would find a box of cereal and stomp on it and throw the contents all over the floor just so he could smash them, which again, caused more squeals from Scarlett as she was telling on him. Fun times, indeed! I'm very pregnant and very uncomfortable in any position and I keep thinking, "I'm adding another one to this bunch any day now! Yikes!" 
Deep breaths and lots of prayers are going on over here. I don't know how this year will be successful with a nursing newborn, a wild beast of a son, a little princess who needs a lot of questions answered often, and a 3rd grader who loves to learn but struggles with all the many many distractions. This year will be an interesting one! I'm asking Jesus for an added measure of patience in this midst of it all. 

I kinda wish there was a restart button for today because clearly I wasn't as prepared as I thought I was. We were all in jammies most of the day. I didn't get a shower till close to 3pm. Snot was rubbed off on me many times. My feet were puffy-duffy along with my fingers. Every year I take a "First Day of School" picture of my girl but today I was looking around at all the mess that my kids made, babies in jammies, everybody's hair a wreck and thought, "Yeah, let's take it tomorrow." But then I realized that this is real life and I should remember the realities of this season with littles.... It's not very glamorous, there are little people walking around in their nakies unable to dress themselves at times, messes everywhere, dirty faces, bums needing to be wiped, food and snacks to be constantly made, lots a shrieking noises at any given minute, snotty noses that end up on you, showers that get missed being taken and lots more.... BUT in all of that, this time really does go by so fast and it's one of the most precious times in life... And it comes with lots of baby kisses and snuggles, so much love from these little hearts, sweet voices calling you and saying they love you and that you're their "very favorite in the whole wide world".  I can't even handle how much I love my babies. My heart just may end up exploding some day. I really really love being their Mommy. It's my favorite. 

So here is our shameless homeschooler picture that is very true to life... Hair up, jammies on and smiles on the face. She looks cute no matter what anyways.

Our Monday Memory Verse is:
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." -Philippians 4:13
It was a fitting verse for me. I still feel like I'm going to do this homeschooling thing wrong, BUT, I also know that this is what's best for my girl's tender heart and so I'll be clinging to this verse all week.

Also, if any of you Mamas out there have any tips on keeping little ones entertained while you are homeschooling an older one, please pass it along to me!!! I would love to hear any advice!!

lovelove, Abs


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