faithful in the little

"He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much…"
Luke 16:10

The Lord has been teaching me so much about being faithful. 
Faithful to my husband.
Faithful to my children.
Faithful as a christian.
Faithful in spending time with the Lord.
Faithful in cleaning.
Faithful in the mundane, the ordinary, the everyday tasks.
Faithful in patience.
Faithful in kindness.
Faithfulness in looking for the daily blessings.
Faithful in thankfulness.
Faithful in my attitude.
Faithful in being obedient to the Lord.
Faithful in praying.
Faithful in choosing to be content with what He has given me AND in what He hasn't.
Faithful to not give up.
Faithful to believing God's Word.
Faithful to pray with my children.
Faithful to encourage them in their gifts.
Faithful to fight hard for a good marriage.
Faithful to the present.
Faithful to the small.

The Lord is always at work in my life, whether I choose to see Him there or not. He is the One Who has defined faithfulness to me. No matter the fits I throw or the lack of faith I have or the bad heart full of bitterness or pain or sin, through all of that, 

He remains faithful 
to me.

It's wild, really. 
When I choose to not be thankful, He is still faithful.
When I choose to worship something or someone other than Him, He is still faithful.
When I choose to sin against Him, He is still faithful.
When I choose to not seek Him, He is still faithful.

He is faithful to the end which gives so much hope to this Mama's heart. He is faithful to me in good times and bad which means that He'll be faithful to my children in their good times and bad. 
His grace not only covers me but it covers my children. When I fail as a mom, He is faithful to pour out His grace on their beautiful little hearts that He has entrusted me with. He faithfully comes alongside of me to help me raise these babies. I'm so thankful for that.
He is faithful to pour out His grace on my marriage. We are naturally gifted in making a mess of things, and the Lord is gifted in restoring those things.
He is faithful to pour out His grace over me time and time again. Truly amazing grace.

Faithful in the small things has caused me to see more through the eyes of my Maker because He cares about all those little things. The itty-bitty He cares for. From a flower that has a short lived life that no one will ever see, to the hairs on my head being numbered, to seeing every tear we cry, He cares and is faithful in it all. 

He has given me four little sweethearts that I adore and He has given me the gift of being faithful in their small little moments. Raising children, you are daily in the smalls… 
the diaper changes, the round-the-clock baby feedings, the meals, the cleaning, the story telling, the bath times, the boo-boo kissing, the fight breaking, and the bedtime tucking. Every picture they draw, they want you to notice and be amazed by. Their whole world is small and when you notice their smalls, it makes their world a beautiful one. It's the same with the Lord. He is big and I am so small and yet, when He notices the smalls in my life, it makes my world a beautiful one as well. 

Anyways, I'm still very much learning all this and I'm far from perfect BUT through it all, He remains faithful. 

Here's a happy picture to leave you with…



  1. Abs, your wisdom, and insight never cease to amaze me. -Grandpa


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