Scarlett Turns 5!!!

My beautiful second-born baby girl has turns 5 today. 
I can't really believe it.
I think about the day I first met her and kissed those chubby cheeks and felt that amazing newborn in my arms and how in that moment I had no idea just what an incredible human being I was looking at. She is truly incredible. She is bold and strong and yet has a softness about her that you can see in her singing and princess playing moments. She makes friends everywhere she goes. She lacks some of the gracefulness in her dance moves that her big sister has, but it never for a moment stops her from dancing from her gut and getting her thang-a-thang moving. We always ask her to pray because she prays some of the best prayers ever. Simple faith is beautiful to hear. She still longs for the day that she can play hide-and-seek with the angels. I love that she thinks about that kind of stuff. She is my skinny-minnie and actually weighs less than her little brother. Amazing, right?! She's tiny and terrific in every way. She often gets lost in the lala-land of make believe so her Daddy calls her Lala. Sweetness all around.
She is always last at the dinner table unless it's pancakes. She gobbles those up! She is the least demanding child and can keep herself very entertained. She loves taking walks one-on-one and then she'll talk your ears silly until you get back home! So precious. She loves playing hide-and-seek. She is best buds with her big sister. They ADORE each other. And she is an awesome big sis to her two little brothers. She doesn't like eating veggies except for green beans because she likes to pop out the seeds inside and leave the rest.
Scarlett is bold and beautiful and sweet and sassy 
all things girlie and cute. 
While putting on my lip gloss the other day she said, "I love fancy cuz fancy is my style."
That pretty much sums her up!

Although today was full of sick kiddos, including her, we still celebrated her day and she said, "This is the best birthday ever!" I love her little grateful heart.

Here are some sweet pictures of her from one of our family days. She's in a tutu and has dirt all over her face and is FULL of personality! I've started a tradition with my babes that on their birthday I get to take lots of special pictures of just them. It's a little "mommy and me" date. I ended up taking these pictures a week or so ago though on a whim and I'm SO glad I did! Today would not have worked with all the fevers going on over here. 
So here is the birthday girl! 
Happy Birthday, sweet Scarlett Hope!



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