Ulysses got a haircut!

So a few days ago, while I was up to my elbows in bleach cleaner cleaning the tub, I turned around after hearing my son to see that he had TWO of my husband's razors in his hands and had successfully given himself razor burn on both cheeks, a few cuts by his lip and forehead and had shaved half his right eyebrow off.
Raising boys is lightyears apart from raising girls, at least when it comes to my kiddos! 
Man Alive! I just was thanking Jesus that he didn't get too messed up on his face. It coulda been way worse. Cuts heal and eyebrows grow back. :0)
So being that he had his first shave, we figured that it was time for a big boy haircut too! So we took him today to get a new do.
 He did great for being 2 years old! He only needed 3 lollipops to suck on while both of us parents cheered him on and held his face still while showing him youtube videos of puppies and babies. Easy as pie! hehe ;0) Here's a few iPhone pictures...

Isn't he handsome?! 
Gosh, I'm a lucky lady!
Thank You, Jesus for this little man!



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