Scarlett sends a note to Jesus...

My sweet Scarlett came with me yesterday to the store and asked me if she could get a balloon to send a note up to Jesus. She has such a precious and tender heart towards the Lord (all of my kiddos do) and of course the answer was YES! It's kind of a thing for my kiddos, that whenever they get a balloon, they immediately want to give it to Jesus and tell Him how much they love Him. I think it started with my oldest and has been passed down to all the littles. Such a beautiful thing it is to see such pure and precious faith… 
and of course, being the mom that I am, I had to grab my camera. Something has gone wrong every other time I've tried to videotape them before, but this time it worked! It started raining right as we went outside, but that just kind of made it more fun! My Scarlie has always loved playing in the rain anyways!

She here is a sweet little glimpse into the heart of my girl, loving her Jesus and sending Him a note.



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