
The Lord has been speaking and moving and stirring within my soul in so many beautiful ways. I was getting to talk to some of my *amazing* ladies I get the honor and working alongside of everyday and shared how the Lord put specific things on my heart to step into and obey Him in. After hesitating, I moved forward in faith and it was instantly like this release of blessing and clarity. He’s a good good father and sometimes He holds back from the greater blessing until our eyes are fully on Him and we’re truly listening. He’s always blessing but there was a shift in the fullness of that blessing. Just like after Abraham’s obedience with Isaac it says, “In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice” Genesis 22:18
Obedience has powerful consequences and effects to bless generations after us. 
If you are hesitating in an area the Lord is calling you to step out in, go for it! Even if it seems crazy and you look foolish to some, none of that matters in light of eternity.


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