Uly prays with Max

A little moment captured between brothers this morning... a moment where big brother wanted to make sure that little brother had given his heart to Jesus. “We love you Max and we want you to go to heaven with us... do you want to pray with me and ask Jesus into your heart? Can I help you pray? Can you say this with me?... Jesus, forgive me of my sins and come into my heart. I love You, Jesus. Amen... You did it!”😭
How in the world has the grace and blessing of Jesus poured out this much on me, I don’t know if I’ll never fully know, but I thank the Lord everyday and will forever praise Him for His never ending pursuit of my heart and the hearts of my family. So many times I made such a mess of my life and yet the Lord saw something bigger, something He was creating and it was worth it to Him for me to be saved because He saw the future. He saw THEM. 


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