Gratitude Challenge in July!

July 1
Starting this month our family is doing a “no complaining//gratitude challenge” this month. Operation kick grumpy-mcgee outta the house. The rules are simple: no complaining.  And if you do, you have to write down three things you’re grateful for. So the end of the month we’ll either have a family journal that’s empty because we all stopped complaining *or* we’ll have a family journal full of gratitude because we complained but then remembered what we’re thankful for. So either way, it’ll be really good. (And if you’re on my team, I just posted a video about it for you too!) 
“Do all things without complaining and disputing, that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, holding fast the word of life...” Phil. 2:14-16
If you wanna join the gratitude challenge then do it with me!! #gratitudechallengeJULY

July 2
Just a mom with a messy bun and jam-jams snuggling her littlest boo-thangs. Day two into our #gratitudechallengeJULY and the boys and I are the ones with the most journal entries. Some things on their thankful list so far: mommy, mommy’s makeup, mommy’s nail polish, mommy’s bracelets, daddy, the aquatic center, toys and Grammies giving them things. (Trying not to personalize how much they’re thankful for my makeup! haha!) They’ve drawn pictures of me each day too and one was of me and Uly holding hands with my Bible. Seriously my favorite little family project that I’ll save forever!

July 3
This daily act of practicing gratitude has been so so good for my heart. An ungrateful, unthankful, complaining heart is like poison in our lives that spreads to those around us. Whether we’re critical of ourselves (hello mom-bod after four kids) or we’re critical of those that are blessed around us(hello jealousy) or we’re annoyed with people or the line is too long or it’s too hot outside or we’re hungry or we’re bored or our business isn’t going fast enough or whatever the grumpy in us is that seeps out, it’s just gross. It’s so easy to see it on others but we can be blind to our own attitude or justify the why for our negative self. But negative is negative no matter the why.
And anytime I start to feel it in my body, that yucky ‘tude coming out, I’m remembering to stop right then and choose gratitude instead. It.Is.So.Good. It lets life and joy and beauty come rushing in and that joy spreads to everyone around! Gratitude is that gift that keeps on giving. It’s contagious just like negativity is. So choose the better thing to spread around! Jump in puddles, play with your kids, kiss your lover, worship without worrying who’s around, sing loudly as you drive your car or wash your dishes and be grateful for what IS in front of you.
Also, go listen to Oprah’s interview of Brené Brown on gratitude! S’good! 🙌🏼


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