July 4th in Pictures!

This year we took our kiddos to the races for the 4th! It's something my hubby grew up going to with his brothers and Dad and I went to with my bestie in highschool as well as with my man while we were dating. We just hadn't ever taken our kids! So this year was really fun! We went with Grandpa and watched him get to tell the boys how things work on the track. So sweet! 
Our Scarlett gets scared of loud noises so it was a little emotional for her throughout the races so the last picture she's sitting with her daddy, fresh tears rolling down her face but smiling through it because they were making silly faces together. 
It was loud and dirty and a fight almost broke out right next to us before the fireworks started, but it was such a fun night out with the family. Love making memories with them.

***And these first pictures were all taken by Scarlett so we got goofy because it made our kids laugh! (and us!)  Hashtag marry your best friend 


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