Max turns 5

Our baby-baby of the family turned F I V E this month. 
He's such a little lover, always near mama, needs extra snuggles first thing in the mornings, 
biggest smile this side of the Mississippi and such a perfect gift in our family. 
He loves to organize things. He gets embarrassed easily. He loves having long hair like his Daddy.
His favorite meal is lunch or snack time. ha!
He still sleeps with his raggedy gee-gee and his knuffle bunny that his Grammies gave him at his last birthday.
This boy of ours is such a gift. Here's some pictures on his birthday and a few little postings from FB/IG too.

Happy Birthday to our sweet sweet Maximus. We’ll eat you up, we love you so. You were given to us at the start of our family’s biggest storms and gave light and joy and blessing to our hearts when we needed it most. We love you a million much, boo-boo. Five looks good on you.

I crawled up to his bed yesterday morning to wake him up and whisper-sang “happy birthday” and as he was sleepily smiling super big, I asked him if he felt older. He very confidently nodded yes. Geez, he’s cute. He was so proud all day yesterday, showing his whole hand as he shared his age. I watched him a little extra long on the playground at drop-off as he told all his classmates, “I was four (holding up four fingers) but now I’m five (holding up five fingers) because it’s my birthday. It’s my REAL birthday today.” So precious. He gave me extra snuggles all day as if he knew mama’s heart might need it more. I’m forever thankful for the day God made this little man and that I get to be his mama.

Brother popped into a couple shots too!

We sang as he blew out his candles on his "rice-krippy" treats!

Here's a little peek into his start:

We love you forever, Maxi-moose!! 

(Listening to Boy by Lee Brice on repeat...)


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