Uly turns seven!

My precious boy turned seven! The month leading up to it was emotional for me because I kept feeling like, “how can this be?! seven??” Like he almost skipped a year or something. He fills my heart with so much joy and love and faith and pride that HE is MY son. He lights up any room with his sunshiney spirit. He explodes with how big he feels life around him. He’s strong and kind and smooth with his words and quick to pray for those around him. He’s a leader of leaders and the hand of God is so clearly upon his life. What a gift he is! 

He loveeeeees to have fun because having fun is more fun, right?!! haha! And when getting ready to  take our traditional birthday pictures, he asked to go with just mom and dad so off we went, just the three of us and had so much fun being silly and posing weird and making each other laugh. When he saw these pictures, he said, "I loveeeee them!!!!" 
Oh, my heart. 
What a gift this boy is.
He came out a lover and a fighter from day one and has lived up to that ever since.

Here's more from my iPhone:

Happy 7th Birthday, sweet son!! We love you a million much!!



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