How To Order Your Oils

 Hi friends! I hear you’re feeling ready to jump into the Young Living lifestyle!!!! Yayyyy!!!! YOU WILL LOVE IT!!!

Here’s a little bit about our team… Over and over we hear that the community is what really brings people into our team.  Learning about essential oils and changing our health is a journey.  We want to be the ones to walk with you on it!  We have facebook groups, online classes, make and take DIY classes, resources, and more.

You will LOVE being part of our team and community!

I want to get you plugged into our exclusive team groups FULL of incredible information right at your fingertips!

Spend 100pv (about $100) on your first order and you will  unlock your 24% discount for the rest of the year!

Use my friends and family code SHAREYL for an additional 10% off your first order! 

Shop here:

Make sure you use my referral number to be part of my team! 3949862

My family and I are so grateful for you! It means the world to us that, in a world where you can pick from anyone, you picked us! THANK YOU!!!

And if you’re feeling a little extra and want to learn more about doing this as a business, you can grab the Business Essentials Kit and start earning commissions just for sharing what you love!

This business has truly been life changing for my family and I don’t want anyone to miss the opportunity too if that’s something you’re interested in!


Abbi + family 


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