For this child I prayed

 I was holding Lion the other day, rocking him in my arms while standing in the kitchen. He sat on my body like a baby koala bear with his little legs and arms wrapped around my waist and neck. I closed my eyes and had this flash of a memory of when I was standing at the foot of the ocean in Hawaii 3 years ago, in June, which was the month my baby we lost would have been born. I remember standing there every day with my feet in the water, listening to worship music playing in my ears and pray-crying. Have you ever done that? When you pray but all that tends to come out is tears and heartache? Those were a lot of my prayers. I would ache for the baby we lost and fearfully and doubtfully pray for another. I can still hear the waves crashing and the feeling of the air on my skin and the tangible weight of the presence of the Lord in those moments. It felt like it was just me and Him on the beach every time. He met me there faithfully and began a very beautiful healing process on that beach. Even in my doubts and pain, He was still faithful to listen and to answer.

And then my mind settled back onto the child in my arms right then and all I could do say was, 

thank You, Jesus. 

thank You, Jesus. 

thank You, Jesus. 

I was holding my miracle boy. I was holding tangible proof of the answered prayers and the overwhelming abundant kindness of God to hear my heart’s cries and grant me my requests. 

“For this child I prayed, and the LORD has granted me my petition which I asked of Him.”

1 Samuel 1:27

“Children are a gift from the LORD” -

Psalm 127:3

Thank You, Jesus for the gift of children and the joy they bring.


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