Holy moments at home

 December 30, 2022

Tony and I are believing for some big things this coming year. We have an excited and hope-filled anticipation of things to come. We don’t want to miss out on anything God has for us and so we have been intentionally positioning our hearts and minds to seek the Lord, fast, pray, wait, write and believe that God is the God over the impossible and that nothing is hard for Him.

This morning we snuck away to our room and prayed together over all the things stirring in our hearts as well as over our children. Two of our kids were highlighted to us and we had specific words for them. We brought those two in individually and laid hands on them, anointed the forehead of one and spoke vision and belief over them. We cried and hugged and felt together the presence of God. 

We had another moment with one of our other kids to redirect them and their negative behavior by reminding them of their identity in Christ and the anointing on their life. This same child came up to me later and said, “thanks mom. I know I seemed like I was mad but I I get it. Thanks for fighting for me.” ðŸ¥¹ 

In the evening we talked as a family about what each of us want more of this coming year and what we want less of. One of our kids shared some things that were beautiful and emotional for them for what they want more of. Tony stoped right then and said, “let’s just all pray for this right now”. So we came around, laid hands on our child and prayed. Even then, I felt the presence of God giving words to pray out loud and specifics for this child’s life and future.

So why am I sharing all this? I want to remind any mama out there reading this to know that there are no ordinary days when we view things from an eternal perspective. Everyday we have opportunities to have holy moments with our children that will impact and define their futures. Our homes are holy ground when we invite the Lord to be Lord over it all. 

I want to be a mama that daily chooses to speak life, belief and vision for what’s possible with Jesus over my children and that our home is a safe haven for their hearts. 

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue…” proverbs 18:21


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