17 Weeks

I am now 17 weeks along!  I have been without insurance this whole pregnancy, but now that we have it again I was finally able to go see a doctor for the first time on friday!! We all (kiddos too) were able to hear the baby's sweet little heart beat which has been a long awaited sound for me to hear! Baby's heart was beating loud and proud! Such a sweet miracle pregnancy is... it still blows my mind that there is a tiny little human inside of me kicking away!
The nurse was telling me all the signs of preterm labor because she said that women have a higher chance of going into early labor here in CO because of the elevation... Both my girls were late but that all might change living here with this little tiny tot!  It's still a bit strange to me that I'll have a CO native baby.  I never would have guessed that!
We are scheduled for an ultrasound in 3 weeks!!! I am beyond excited about that appointment so we can find out who this little swimmer is!! 
The girls are so sweet to my growing baby bump... they say, "I love you, Baby!" and "Hi Baby!" everyday and my Moriyah lays hands on my belly every night and prays the most precious prayers for this tiny one.  As sometimes awful pregnancy can be with all the changes, sickness, growth, pain, and uncomfortableness that seems to tag along every day, it is all worth it when you see your baby's face for the very first time.  The world stands still and your heart falls in love with the tiniest little looker you've ever laid eyes on.  Those are the moments that stick with you for life!  I am very much looking forward to that moment with this little life... no more pregnancy and a baby in my arms...
God has fully blown us away with the beautiful little girls He has given us and we can't wait to be blown away again when we see this little face!

 13 For You formed my inward parts;
         You covered me in my mother’s womb.
 14 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
         Marvelous are Your works,
         And that my soul knows very well.
Psalm 139:13-14


  1. So excited about the new life. What an awesome mommy you are. I love you with all my heart! I can't wait to know...this is driving me nuts! Just a Grammies thought...

  2. sweet baby... hugs and kisses to you little one....

  3. Congratulations precious friend, I can't think of a better family Gods blessings to be born into!
    Too happy for you!

  4. I'm so proud of you Abbi. You're an amazing Mommy. It's amazing how much this little one is LOVED already!!! Wow, this baby will be born in Colorado...just like Grandpa.

  5. Thanks for reading guys! :0)
    Mama! Only 2 more weeks now!!!
    Grandpa! How fun for you and baby to share a birth place :0)


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