I will sing to the LORD as long as I live;
         I will sing praise to my God while I have my being.
Psalm 104:33

Children have a beautiful way of praising the Lord without shame and so full of joy!  There are so many things that can be learned from little ones that often are passed by because of the busy things that us older kids occupy ourselves with... I was watching this commercial the other night with my Hubby about this guys that was sky diving and trying to video tape his experience with his phone.  Isn't that how we do life these days?! Instead of jumping free with arms wide open to what's in front of us, we stick a tiny screen in our face and miss a huge part of the journey by trying to find the right button!

I realize this may look a bit hypocritical since I'm posting a video but I'm doing it anyways cuz it's my baby singing about the WORD!! ;0)
She was so proud that she can now sing it all by herself!!!  I love these little moments because they are such a blessing to watch... So much I can learn from my girls as I watch them grow up... they dance like nobody is watching ANYTIME they hear music (Moriyah is dancing right now!), they sing their little hearts out and aren't afraid of what they sound like or if their voice cracks, they gasp at the stories in the Bible and everything is so new, they love with arms wide open to those around them, and they don't hold a grudge and cling to bitterness like the rest of us can easily do...

Children are the greatest life-changing gift given to us by the greatest gift giver the world has ever seen!  We are so undeserving and yet His grace is covering us day by day... If you've been given the gift of children then you are truly one of the most blessed individuals in the world!  Don't take a single day for granted because "tomorrow is promised to no man"...

Dance with your kids like nobody is watching, sing your heart out with your kids to Jesus no matter what you sound like, read the Bible like you've never heard it before and stand in awe of the beautiful love story that it is, love with your arms wide open, and choose forgiveness because Jesus forgave you!  Thank Jesus for your babies, no matter how old they are and enjoy even the challenging moments of being a parent because it's only showing you what is in your heart!  It's a gift!


  1. I love your blog! Keep writing, dear. You even inspired me to try out my own blog style.


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