Ulysses David's First Week...

Ulysses 1 week old
I'm listening to Christmas music ( a wee bit early but still awesome!) and looking at my tiny little man-child.  Moriyah is dressed as a pink ballerina and Scarlett is dressed as Belle... Life is sweeter than sweet!  Ephesians 3:20 definitely applies to my life right now: "Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think..."  I am blown away by God's goodness in my life right now!

On Sunday, September 18, I was scheduled to be induced at 8am.  I had been so sick, in so much pain, and kept getting close to the point of passing out almost any time I was up on my feet for 15-20 minutes (which is never a good thing when there are other little ones in the house) and since I was 39+ weeks along, my Doctor gave the OK to be induced.  I was excited and nervous and couldn't sleep all Saturday night.  At 6am on Sunday morning though I saw there was a message on my phone saying that too many Mamas had come in to deliver through the night and so I wasn't going to be able to come in at 8am. I called back and they said that they'll call me soon and see if they can fit me in later.  I called back several hours later and the head nurse said that she'll call back within 15 minutes and that she's hopeful to get me in anytime.  We got the girls dressed, packed and off to one of the families in our church to stay with.  We drove to a shopping area close to the hospital so we could be as close as possible when the phone rang... 3 hours passed so I called again only to be discouraged.  Too many Mamas coming in so they didn't have a place for me.  I got off the phone and cried while my sweet Hubby hugged me.  My man saved the day and said, "I'm taking you on a date!" which was our first since moving here to Colorado.  We went out to eat, had some ice cream and then went to a movie!  I said that I think this is God's way of making us go on a childless date!  It was such a sweet memory for me.  Half way through the movie, the head nurse called back and said that if I'm willing to be flexible, I could come in at 5pm and get things going by 7pm!  We hiked it out of the theater, got our money back, and drove straight for the hospital!

The whole experience of getting induced was so much easier than my previous labors.  It was gradual and much more peaceful.  We felt very carried in prayer.  On Saturday night, before church started, our Pastor came and prayed for us.  Tony and I both were feeling nervous about the delivery but when Pastor Al was praying, he started talking about how children are a reward and he was thanking God for the reward we were about to receive.  Something just clicked for both of us in that moment and from then on, especially throughout the labor process, Tony and I both had so much peace from the Lord knowing that we were so close to seeing this new gift and reward from the Lord.

The labor went on late in the night to the early morning.  One of our high school girls, whose family had been watching our kiddos, brought the girls to the hospital that night and watched them while they were in the room with us.  The slept through the whole delivery (thankfully!).  When the boy came out, his head was in the wrong position so he had a huge bump on the left side of his head and was bruised all over his head as well.  It freaked me out a little because he looked a bit like Quasimodo from the Hunchback of Notre Dame!  They said that it will all go down and he should be back to normal in a few days.  Poor guy!  I was so sad for him and his noggin but also overwhelmed by how much I loved this little man!  Tony was instantly bonded to his son and kept going back and forth between me and the baby with a huge grin on his face!  He was a man in love!

He was born at 2:52am on September 19, weighing 6lbs 6oz and was 19 1/2 inches long.  We didn't officially name him until a few days later though.  The background for the name Ulysses is something better explained by my Hubby but I love knowing that my son was named by his Daddy.  His middle name, David,  is from my Dad's name which also means "Beloved".  It's a strong name for a six pounder but he'll grow into it!

With every baby, my pregnancies get more intense but the babies get easier and easier!  This little guy is amazing and the sweetest and most mellow baby I've ever been around!  Even his cry is sweet!  He is completely God's grace in my life especially with him being my third baby.  I was a little worried before I had him that I was going to be a little overwhelmed without having family around, homeschooling one kiddo, entertaining a 2 year old, and not having my Hubby close by... However, God has totally blown my mind and has made this transition the easiest and most peaceful yet!  I am so thankful!  And I am not pregnant and sick everyday which has made each day even that much sweeter!

This first week having a baby boy in the house has been incredible and Tony and I are in so much awe of God and His favor in our lives.  Children are a true gift and reward from the Father and we are SO SO thankful He has chosen to bless us with 3!  I am amazed! 

Thank you to everyone for all your prayers and encouragement over the last few months... they have been such a blessing to our family!
Moriyah, Scarlett and Ulysses (4 days old)


  1. Abbie, that was a beautiful story.

  2. Abbi! How wonderful it is to see how God lead you through that whole experience and is now making it so worthwhile with the perfect son. Thank you so much for writing about it so we could all share in your life.

    All our love!
    Katherine (& Dryw0


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