Baby Judah is on the way!!

Tony's brother and his wife are having their first baby, Judah Theophilus, hopefully today! She is having contractions as we speak! We are SO excited!! My girls are over-the-moon with the thought of getting another cousin too! We are praying lots for them and would love to know that others are praying as well! We love babies!!

Here are a few pictures from when the came out here to Colorado to visit us...

Isn't she beautiful?! I love this Mama! 

Congratulations Dan and Erin!! Wish we were there! We love you guys and can't wait to see his face! Your lives are about to change forever and your heart will grow a thousand times over as soon as your eyes meet his... And Erin... "Push him out! Push him out! Waaaaaaaay out!" :0)
lovelove, Abs


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