Let the Homeschool Games Begin!

So today we started back into the wonderful world of homeschooling! Moriyah was praying this morning before breakfast and said, "Thank You, Thank You, Thank You that I get to start school again!"  How awesome is she?! What homeschooler prays that?! She's radical-badical!

This is my third year teaching Moriyah and although it's not been easy and has challenged us both, it is truly a gift to have my girl home with me all day. I love my babies home! She is my little buddy and we are both learning as we go. I still feel like such a rookie with this all but I know that the Lord has called us to it "for such a time as this".  I haven't always felt like doing this homeschool gig (I always said I would never homeschool or live in a place where it snows again... Whoops!) BUT the fruit of it has and continues to be such a gift and blessing to see. Watching Moriyah's heart for the Lord and the Word is beautiful. I'm thankful.  She also happens to be a pretty awesome kid to teach because she LOVES learning! YAY! Makes my job easier! 

So here is the silly start to our first day back in school!  Woot!

The day went great and even though I told her that she can be done for the day, she is sitting here next to me with her Bible out reading and doing her book, "Draw To Learn the Life of Jesus". AWESOME!

Let the adventures begin! :0)
lovelove, Abs


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