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My morning routine consists of waking up to nurse my baby, laying him back down (most of the time), getting up with my older babes and setting them up with their breakfast while I start my coffee. Once they are situated, I grab my bible, journal and large coffee and head outside to have some Jesus time. I need it every morning. Like NEED it. There is something amazing about getting outside to spend time with the Lord. I crave it and no matter how tired I am when I wake up, I can't wait to get outside and just sit with my bible and coffee and set my eyes and mind on Jesus. And every morning, this little buddy boy of mine pops out the back door to chat randoms at me and show me his Lego statue or tell me about his ouchie or just to come and give me a smooch. I love his little checks on me when I'm outside. "Quiet time" with four kids around isn't always quiet and they usually all end up outside telling me different things all at the same time, but I love it. Someday I'll miss it when they are all grown up and my "quiet time" truly is quiet. The little years are exhausting but amazing. So many older women tell me "these are the best years of your life"! I believe it. ❤️



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