Summer Adventures Part 4: NorCal and Oregon Coast

The Hubs has two days off and we decided to be wild and adventurous and drive north towards the coast up to the Oregon boarder on those days off... Eight hours there plus a little extra with all the stops to explore, just to turn around the next day and drive eight hours home. It sounds totally crazy with four little ones in the car BUT it was so worth every minute of it! Really! We love our road trips, kids included! (well, maybe Max doesn't love them as much as the rest of us but he'll get there!)

Our whole family fell in love with the NorCal/Oregon coast. 
It's breathtaking.
The beaches, the Redwoods, the weather...
God was showing off a bit when He created it all.

I think we all kinda left a little of our hearts out there...

Here's a few pics from Instagram too:



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