Summer Adventures Part 1: Disneyland

This summer has been FULL of fun adventures and I feel so far behind in posting any pictures on here, but today I have a few free minutes (Holla!) and so I'm going to attempt to get a few up here!
The goal is to slowly but surely get a snippet from each adventure on here over the next few days/weeks. We'll see how that works out! ;0)
Plus, my baby turns 11 months in two days AND my oldest baby turned NINE in July so I have more pictures to add from those special milestones.

So first up is DISNEYLAND!!
This was the first trip we've ever taken there as a family so it was very exciting! The last time we were at Disneyland was when Tony was my boyfriend! Awwww :0)
The girls had been talking about Disneyland for forever it seemed like, always dreaming about it. Tony and I were blessed with the opportunity to actually take them and before we told the kids, Moriyah said, "Mom, I know we can't go to Disneyland right now but I hope that we can go sometime while I'm still a kid." Isn't she precious?! When we finally had it set for sure that we were going, we told the kids and they squealed with delight! 
We haven't had the ability to take any vacations for the last 4 years so we ALL were pretty excited!

We had the joy of staying with family friends who also blessed our family in getting into Disneyland.
We were beyond thankful! (We love you, Hagens!)

Our first ride was Pirates of the Carribean. That was a favorite of mine and the Hubs when we were kids so we thought for sure that that should be their first ride.
What an experience it was! Haha! Scarlett screamed in TERROR the whole time while I held tightly to Max, praying that he wouldn't start crying from hearing his sister freaking out.  Then Uly, towards the end, saw the hologram in the waterfall and SCREAMED bloody murder for all to hear.
Oh geez. We were a delight to those sitting next to us. ;0)

After that, we decided that we were gonna stick to the more gentle side of Disney excitement. haha.

All in all, we had a blast and it was such a sweet experience seeing Disneyland through the eyes of our children. We were exhausted by the end of it but in the best of ways making lasting memories.

Here's a little peek!

...I think they were a wee bit excited ...

... waiting for the parade to start ...

... the moment he saw Mickey Mouse!! ...

... Maximus enjoying the Mickey Mouse show ...

... they are the best of friends ...

Here's a few from Insta too:



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