Things I'll miss...

It's not the big trips and the busyness and grand events that I'll miss in these little years of raising my children… It's the early morning snuggles and the baby breath on my face and the middle-of-the-night cries that wake me up to pray over them and rock them back to sleep… the bedheads and the little baby blankets that are their comforts always laying across the floor no matter how many times I put them away… the loudness of their voices that I'll someday ache for when they are grown and my daily reminder of no more little ones in the house rings loudly in the quietness of my home (I never knew that the quiet could be so loud)… I'll miss the monkey-hugs in the kitchen, and the bath times in the sink and the fingerprints on everything because it just shows that there are little hands still in the house that put them there… I'll miss the little whispers of, "I love you, mama.. you're da bestest" and the ability to solve all their hurts by just a mama's kiss…

Oh, this season of little years is so sweet… hard, yes, but being in the thick of it has shown me how to love in a way only motherhood can. What a blessing this whole journey is… body, mind, soul, spirit has forever been changed. They see the best and worst of me… the overly tired, grumpy, frustrated, short with my words moments and show more love and grace and a quickness to forgive than I've ever seen ever before. Such a picture of God's grace. They also see me at my happiest and see me in the moments that I know I was created for by my Heavenly Father. My greatest desires growing up were  to be a wife and a mother (and live on a farm, but we are working towards that now! dreaming big, y'all!)… I get to daily live those dreams out with the one's that the Lord so graciously has given to me! It's not always pretty or easy but it's worth every single moment. 
Long live the little years!!



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