Why I Homeschool...

 I get asked a lot why I homeschool my kiddos and honestly, somedays I have no idea! Ha! But then there are those moments where it's all clear and the Lord reminds me again why... 

 ... like when I was listening to Sally Clarkson share all about the quiet and set apart times of her homeschooling season, where the focus is slowing down and reading or being read to, having a snack and tea and savoring those moments everyday... she said, "... Those are the things that are shaping their desire for home when they're out in the world... it's a great comfort to me that my kids come home as much as they can because they get filled up. It's those times that they remember... when we talked, we read, we had devotions in the morning. Make time for that because it's not going to be one more chemistry fact or math problem that's going to keep them moral, pure, godly, loving Jesus. It's going to be that you were intentional to shape their hearts by the very messages of Jesus." 

When she said that I was like, "Yasssss! THAT'S why!!" And that's not to say that homeschooling is the only way you can do that but it's the way that we are doing in this season we're in. I don't know if I'll always homeschool or if the Lord has other plans, but for now, these moments of intentionally sitting and reading scripture and talking to my children about it every morning and hearing their thoughts and opinions and questions and excitement of the things of the Lord makes me feel like I'm doing exactly what the Lord has created me to do! 


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