Maximus turns 4!!!

Our precious boy has tuned F O U R!!!!!

He has been the best little snuggle bug since day one... whenever he wakes up in the morning, he has to snuggle on mama until the grumpies go away.
He dances hard, laughs from his guts and sings with passion.
He loves to takes naps with mom and dad.
He thinks a "Charlie Horse" is really just a mean horse. haha!
He loves Hot Wheels! Like a lot a lot!!

He's always drawing something or cutting something. There are scraps of paper all over our house.
He loves being the baby but also being a big boy.  He said he wants to be four forever.
He gives me big huge hugs all throughout the day and tells me I'm beautiful and that he likes my hair, even when it's a hot mess... He's just a little lover.
He's most often walking around the house in a collared shirt, a tie and batman chonies! 
He also fully believes that the book Where the Wild Things Are was written about him!

Sometimes I can't believe that he's mine... such a gift from Jesus, this boy. He came during a heavy season in our family and brought life and hope and joy and so much love to all our hearts. He is adored by his sisters and brother (most of the time) and is so deeply loved by all of us. 
I'm so thankful to be HIS mama. 
Such a gift.

He's told me everyday for months that he wants a truck that holds 51 cars, so you better believe that he's getting a truck that holds 51 cars!

This morning you walked up to me while I was doing dishes in the kitchen, and with a very sleepy face you lifted up both arms while holding your gee-gees and you wanted me to hold you... you wrapped your whole self around me like you were a baby koala bear and I got to rock you back and forth, breathing you in, soaking up every bit of your four year old self and just thanked Jesus that He blessed our family with you. We adore you, baby! 
Happy Birthday, sweet Maximus!!! 
We'll eat you up , we love you so!!!


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