Self care

For years I thought that self care was selfish as a mom. But I'm learning more and more how wrong that thinking is. If you feel overwhelmed or frustrated, it's your body and mind showing you that you aren't taking care of yourself. If you want to be a patient, kind, loving, peaceful, joyful mama, you need to give yourself the space to be that kind of woman/mama. You can't give nonstop and expect to keep going without crashing and burning. You can CHOOSE who you want to be. You can CHOOSE to be the mama you want to be. Give yourself grace and take time to feed your soul so that you can pour into your family the way you want to instead of trying to pour into them on an empty tank that's on fire.  Get alone or go out with your bestie. Read a book, take a bath with music and twinkle lights. Spend time with Jesus everyday. You can't give what you don't have. So fill your soul, body, mind, spirit with goodness so that you can pour out goodness to your people. You will also teach your children the importance of taking care of themselves, knowing when to take brakes and the importance of going to Jesus. We make time for what is important to us and I promise you that your kids don't need you every second. You CAN take breaks and it WILL bless your whole family!


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