Uly turns SIX!!

Our precious boy, Ulysses David has turned SIX!!!
Our first boy. 
He came out such a fighter. 
Crooked head, bruised over half his face and such a man-child from the get-go. 
Lover of dirt and being loud and listening to stories.
He plays hard and loves even harder.
He tells me everyday, "You are my best mama in the whole world! My beautiful butterfly sweetie! I'm so glad you're my mama." *swoon*

Uly D...
you completely changed our world the day you were born. 
I had no idea how wonderful loving a son could be.  
The Lord has given us such a special bond from the beginning.
It's one that I know has eternal weight and impact.
You've always been the one that has woken up with me, no matter how early it is, to find me during my time with the Lord and I believe that it has been for a greater purpose. The Lord has created you and formed you and called you and is preparing you for incredible things that He has already set apart for you to do. You are a leader, an encourager, a lover, a fighter, a warrior...

Mama: "Who are you?"
Uly: "A man of God"
Mama: "And what does a man of God do?"
Uly: "He shows honor and respect and love."
Never forget who you are, who God says you are.

Happy Birthday, sweet boy!! We love you to the moon!!


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