Lion and his Papa

 These two are the best of buds. Lion absolutely adores his papa. He puts on his papa’s shoes and hat and then follows him around anywhere he goes. All our other babies said “mama” first but this precious boy said “papa” first and I still have mixed feelings about it. ðŸ¤£❤️ kidding but not kidding ðŸ˜†

Every night Tony takes him upstairs to brush his teeth and put him to bed. He lays him down in his crib and then lays down next to the crib, reads him a story and then they hold hands through the crib bars until Lion falls asleep. It’s the most tender and precious scene every night. 

Lion only knows days filled with his papa all day everyday. Our big four experienced what most kids do, with their dad leaving early in the morning and coming home in the evening, living for the weekends to see their dad a little more. But Lion’s whole life has had his papa there to experience it all. It’s a gift I never imagined possible and I don’t it take for granted. 

These two have watched endless amounts of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Toy Story together. They read Fly Guy and Pete the Cat over and over. The share meals and take naps together. So many special moments. 

There’s a seven year age gap between our last two and I remember wondering out loud if we needed to have another baby so that Lion could have a buddy… Tony quickly answered, “I’m his buddy!” ðŸ¥¹ And they’re the best of buddies. 


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